Prostate Center Paris

How to shrink the prostate naturally?

Faced with the challenges of prostate enlargement, it's essential to turn to safe, effective solutions. Prostate artery embolization represents a promising response for those seeking a less invasive alternative.

Enlargement of the prostate (prostate swelling)

Prostate enlargement, also known as prostate swelling, is an increase in the volume of the prostate gland. It's a common medical condition in older men. This phenomenon, often linked to aging, can lead to a variety of troublesome symptoms such as urinary problems, reduced urine flow and frequent urination.

Although not always serious, benign prostatic hyperplasia requires regular medical supervision. Treatments available vary from managing symptoms with medication to more invasive surgical procedures. A thorough understanding of this condition is crucial to providing quality care and improving quality of life for those affected.

Common causes of prostate gland enlargement

The prostate swelling, medically known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is often attributed to age-related hormonal changes. As we age, the male hormone testosterone declines, while the hormone estrogen remains constant, creating an imbalance. This hormonal imbalance is considered a key factor in prostate enlargement. 

In addition to aging, a family history of prostate problems, hormonal imbalances and certain medical conditions, such as obesity and heart disease, can increase the risk. Understanding the underlying causes can help identify appropriate treatments and anticipate possible risks.

Common symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate

BPH may be asymptomatic in some men, but it often presents symptoms such as bothersome urinary disorders. The first sign is usually the need to get up frequently at night to urinate. Over time, other symptoms may develop: a weak urinary stream, difficulty in starting to urinate, the feeling that the bladder is never completely empty, and painful or burning urination. 

In some cases, BPH can lead to recurrent urinary tract infections or even kidney damage. 

Since these symptoms can seriously affect quality of life and the urinary tract, it's crucial to consult a doctor as soon as they appear. Early diagnosis can lead to more effective treatment and prevent complications.

The importance of the non-surgical method

While surgery has long been the norm for treating BPH, less invasive methods are gaining in popularity. Let's take a look at why it's crucial to consider non-surgical alternatives.

Why look for natural alternatives?

Surgical treatments, while often effective, carry risks and longer recovery times. Possible complications include infection, bleeding and erectile dysfunction. What's more, surgery does not always offer a permanent solution, and some patients may experience a return of symptoms over time. 

In contrast, non-surgical methods such as prostate embolization offer a gentler alternative with fewer risks. They promise faster recovery, less post-operative pain and longer-lasting results.

The risks of traditional methods

Traditional methods, such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), although common, are not without risks. In addition to immediate complications such as infection and bleeding, this method can lead to long-term problems such as urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, impaired sexual function or retrograde ejaculation. 

In addition, TURP often requires hospitalization and a prolonged recovery period, during which the patient may experience considerable discomfort. In comparison, non-surgical methods, such as embolization, present fewer risks and offer faster recovery, making them an attractive option for many men.

Prostate embolization: a promising solution

Prostatic artery embolization is emerging as an innovative technique, attracting the attention of specialists and patients alike. Let's take a closer look at this procedure.

How to deflate the prostate naturally: prostate embolization

Prostate embolization is a minimally invasive medical procedure that reduces the size of the prostate by blocking the blood supply to certain parts of it. This technique uses microbeads which are introduced into the prostatic arteries via a catheter. 

Once in place, these microbeads block blood flow to the hyperplastic areas of the prostate, causing them to shrink. The major advantage of this method is that it requires no surgical incisions, reducing the associated risks and recovery time.

Advantages of embolization over traditional methods

Prostate embolization offers multiple advantages over traditional surgical methods. Firstly, as mentioned above, it is a minimally invasive procedure with no incisions. As a result, the risk of infection is reduced, recovery is faster and hospitalization is shorter, or even non-existent for some patients.

What's more, embolization, using smaller microbeads than those recommended in the traditional literature, delivers significantly better results. These smaller microbeads enable more precise and effective targeting of the affected areas, ensuring a more significant reduction in prostate size and a marked improvement in symptoms.

Unlike some surgical procedures, which can have undesirable side effects such as incontinence or erectile dysfunction, prostate embolization has a significantly improved safety profile. As a result, patients can enjoy a better post-operative quality of life.

The prostate center and its distinctive technique

The use of smaller microbeads is at the heart of the effectiveness of embolization. By recognizing this, the Prostate Center has positioned itself as a pioneer in this field.

Why smaller microbeads?

The use of smaller microbeads is based on an in-depth understanding of prostate anatomy and the embolization process. These smaller microbeads enable us to target more precisely the areas of the prostate that require treatment. This means that the effectiveness of the procedure is increased, while reducing the risk of affecting areas of the prostate that do not need to be treated.

What's more, with smaller microbeads, there's better penetration into prostatic blood vessels. This ensures that even the hardest-to-reach areas of the prostate can be effectively treated. As a result, patients can expect more consistent results and an overall improvement in their symptoms.



Prostate enlargement is a challenge faced by many men as they age. Thanks to innovations such as prostate embolization and the use of smaller microbeads, safer, less invasive and more effective solutions are now available. The Prostate Center, with its forward-thinking vision, is at the forefront of this revolution, offering hope and improvement to thousands of men.